Recipe of the region Salzburger Lungau
Ingredients for 20 doughnuts
300 g warm milk
3 yolks
1 egg
500 g wheat flour 700
7 g salt
20 g fresh yeast
30 g sugar
60 g butter at room temperature
1 tablespoon rum
1 litre oil for baking
Preparation of the Bauernkrapfen
To make the sweet yeast dough, mix the milk with the egg and yolks in a mixing bowl. Then add the flour and crumble in the yeast. Add the sugar, rum, salt and butter at room temperature and mix everything into a very soft dough. Cover the dough and leave to rest for approx. 30 minutes.
Cut out tablespoon-sized pieces of dough and form with a bit of flour into smooth, round balls. Cover the balls and leave to rest for another 10 minutes.
In the meantime, heat the oil to 160°C.
Carefully separate the dough balls with the aid of a bit of flour. Place them with the bottom facing downwards in some hot fat and bake until golden brown. Turn over the doughnuts and bake until the second side is also golden brown.
Leave to drain on some kitchen towel and sprinkle over icing sugar.
Preparation time: 1h 30min
Recipe of the region Salzburger Lungau »
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